Tucumcari - Santa Fe

After a Good By to Terri and Bill and we left Tucumcari. So far it was the best lodging on the Route 66. Should not be missed!

Today we where looking forward to drive the well known stretch of the original alignment between Cuervo and Santa Rosa.
To start with it is marked as a Dead End! What should we do? Ignore it and go for a try or skip it, we choose the first option.

At the beginning it was no problem, but after a few miles the vegetation in middle of the road became higher and the holes deeper,
but not really a problem if you have a car with a reasonable road clearance and 4WD.
Just at the end, only a few yards left, there was a damaged cattle guard which didn’t looked so good. Very slowly we went over it and
we where save. I would not recommend driving this stretch with a standard car.

We visited the Route 66 Auto Museum; it is really nice (check out the pictures).

After Santa Rosa we turned north on US-84 towards Las Vegas junction. It is a pre 1937 alignment, but now easy to drive.
We made a short visit to Las Vegas (NM), even it is not Route 66.
From Las Vegas we drove through Rowe, Pecos, Glorieta and Canoncito to Santa Fe, our destination for today.
What will happen tomorrow? Maybe we drive to the top of La Bajada Hill. We will be back..

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Route 66 Auto Museum Santa Rosa

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