May & Günter from Stockholm, Sweden

The goal is to drive as many old streches as possible of the Mother Road. We plan to drive between 150 to 260 miles a day.
Every day we will write about our "happenings" on the road and publish it on the home page with some pictures.
Thursday 7/9 we arrived in Chicago. We have done some sightseeing and prepared us for the Route66 trip.

We will use GPS navigation (TomTom) with recorded 830 waypoints, information taken from the excellent "Turn by turn" description
on the Historic66 webpage from Swa Frantzen. The waypoint files (.itn .ov2 .bmp) will be avaliable on the home page for download.
Another PDA will record a logfile (.kml), to use it with Google Earth, for others to see our progress and "misstakes".

We are looking forward to our journey and get our kick's on Route 66!

Route66 Home