Inglewood to New Plymouth

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Pictures from the trip

Today we are going to do some hiking on the north slopes of Mt. Taranaki. From our Hotel we drove to the North Egmont Information Center and car park.

We chose a moderate tramping track of 3 to 4 hours.

First part of the track was in a very dense forest, and there after it became an open mountain slope.

We also met three lovely girls from Austria, which planned to stay at the Maketawa Hut for the night, and to climb next morning the Taranaki summit. Good luck, girls.

We turned back to the car park on a 4WD track.

New Plymouth was our destination for today.

Now we have completed the four outmost spots of the North Island:

Northern point: Cape Reinga

Eastern point: East Cape

Southern point: Wellington

Western point: New Plymouth


To round up the day we did some sightseeing along the Ocean View Promenade.

Trip today:

Inglewood to New Plymouth: 48 km


Total trip from start: 3452 km



